Soy milk ease the symptoms of menopause

Making soy milk twice a day reduces the frequency of tidal women peculiar menopausedesperately found that drinking two cups of soy milk per day may alleviate the health of women in menopause. They believe that the milk can reduce the frequency and severity of tides by 26%. Soy contains isoflavones and estrogen-like plant hormones, which are thought to have beneficial effects on health. This is evidenced by recent research specialists – analysis of 19 studies involving more than 1,200 women. Let’s note, that until recently, scientists were differences of opinion on soy products. The authors of the review, published in the journal Menopause, noted that the interest in soy products and menopause comes from Japan. The researchers suggested that the low frequency tide of Japanese women can be attributed to the high consumption of soy in the course of life. According to some experts, many women have turned to natural remedies to deal with such menopausal symptoms, like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings because they are afraid of the side effects of hormonal therapy. Read also: Long-term use of hormones threatens breast cancer, According to Professor Melissa, Melby from the University of Delaware, to focus their attention on soybean is never too late even if you’re 50 years. Thus, in the course surveys the researchers found that women who consumed soy for 12 weeks or more, there has been a reduction in the frequency of tidal three times, compared with those examinees who took part in short tests. They also noted that the same minimum 54 milligrams of soy isoflavones in the next six weeks or years reduced the frequency of tides by 20.6%, and the weight of 26%. Recall that the tides are caused by dilation of blood vessels in the skin and are associated with an imbalance of hormones, but still not been fully investigated. Menopausal hot flashes occur suddenly, lasts about four minutes on average and cause unpleasant sensation of intense heat. A woman can throw in the pot at any time during the day, while frequent hot flashes at night can seriously disrupt sleep.


Mushroom soup with winter vegetables (204 kcal)

Fragrant winter soup with fried onions, mushrooms, carrots and pumpkin. Prepared dish, you can easily freeze and serve even a month. Products (10 servings): – 2 garlic cloves; – 6 tablespoons butter 2 large onions, finely chopped; – 680 g sliced mushrooms (legs do not discard); – 8 Morkovin, peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces; – 2 sprigs chopped celery; – 8 sprigs fresh parsley; – 0.25 cups chopped fresh parsley; – 1 Bay leaf; – about 1 kg of purified from the skin and seeds of pumpkin, cut to 1.5 cm cubes; – 1 Cup light red wine (for example Pinot Noir) – 2 tsp salt, 0.5 tsp coarse ground pepper 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. How to make mushroom soup served with winter vegetables? 1. Heat oven to 200 degrees. Cut off the tops of the heads of garlic on top of each put 1 st.l. oil, wrap them in foil and bake in the oven for 45 minutes until they are soft. Pull from the oven, let cool. Squeeze to release roasted flesh. Remove the peel and set aside the flesh aside. 2. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a large saucepan. Add half the chopped onion and cook over a low heat until the onions are Golden. Add legs mushrooms, half of the sliced carrots, celery. Cook for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables will not be soft. Pour 8 glasses of water, add sprigs of parsley, Bay leaf, increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Cook for about 45 minutes – soup should boil on slow fire. Strain the broth and remove solid components, add water to make 6 cups of broth. Set aside. 3. In the pan with high walls on medium heat, melt 1 tablespoon butter. Cook the mushrooms until Golden, three times for 3 minutes. With each party mushrooms, add 1 st.l. oil. Add the second half of the chopped onion, and cook until soften, about 3 minutes. Add the pumpkin and the second part sliced carrots, and cook 2 minutes. Pour red wine, prepared broth, and add salt, pepper, roasted garlic. Stir and bring to boil. Cook over medium heat until vegetables are tender (about 25 minutes). If you plan soup freeze, skip to the next step. If you want to bring to the table, add the chopped parsley and lemon juice and serve immediately. Freezing soup Allow the soup definitely cool, and store in an airtight container (not sure on top leave the air – needed space for expansion of frozen liquid) and place in the freezer for up to two months. To heat the frozen soup, first place it in the refrigerator to melt. Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then simmer for five minutes. Add fresh chopped parsley and lemon juice. Per serving (1 Cup) contains: 204 kcal; fat – 7 g; cholesterol – 15 mg; salt – 467 mg; carbohydrates – 29 g; fat 6 g; proteins – 4, Especially for – chef Irina Goynuk


Diet with prunes

Prunes has a pleasant sour-sweet taste with the inclusion of the original smoked notes. This product is loved by both adults and children, and its benefits for the body simply invaluable. Is it any wonder that a diet with prunes always enjoyed high popularity. About it we are you today and tell you. Briefly about the benefits of prunes, Prunes has a relatively high caloric value (about 230 calories), but this should not be afraid. Since this product is simply impossible to eat in large quantities and at the same time he gives a feeling of fullness, the large influx of calories is not expected. However, prunes gives us the opportunity to saturate the body with minerals and vitamins. Leader takes potassium (864 100 g of product ) – this essential element strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels. Also in the prune contains phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium and vitamins a, GRV, and PP. Dietary fiber, members of dried fruits, normalize the activity of the intestines. How to choose the «right» prune? For a diet to choose the right prunes – only in this case he will share its benefits. So, the «correct» prunes: • bitter • Has a dark color • don’t Shine Shine skin shows that dried fruits processed in glycerine, which clearly does not benefit the body, and the brown colour is a sure sign of processing of boiling water (thermal effect deprives prunes mostly useful elements). Diet diet with prunes First day • Breakfast: boiled egg – 1 pieces, a small grapefruit and natural unsweetened coffee and prunes – 1-2 pc. • Lunch: vegetable soup (preferably without potatoes) with a slice trubnaja bread and walnuts – 2 pieces, prunes – 8 and unsweetened tea • Dinner: baked in foil or roasted in a small amount of vegetable oil fish and boiled egg – 1 PC, medium orange and unsweetened tea Second day • Breakfast: solid lean and unsalted cheese – 30 g and prunes – 2 pcs. and natural unsweetened coffee • Lunch: sour cabbage soup (preferably without potatoes) with a slice trubnaja bread and boiled beef – 70 g almonds – 4 pieces and unsweetened tea • Dinner: salad from fresh vegetables, prunes – 4 pieces and unsweetened tea Third day • Breakfast: toast a slice of lean ham and a piece of cheese, prunes 3 units, and natural unsweetened coffee • Lunch: vegetable soup and boiled potatoes – 70 g of tomato – 1 pcs. and prunes – 2 pcs. and unsweetened tea • Dinner: diet bread, prunes – 5 PCs and low-fat milk – 250 ml Fourth day • Breakfast: corn or oat flakes with milk – 100 g, as well as prunes – 4 pieces and natural unsweetened coffee • Lunch: vegetable soup (preferably without a potato, and tomato and cucumber, 1 pc., prunes – 2 pcs. and unsweetened tea • Dinner: toast a slice of lean ham and a piece of cheese, prunes – 6 pieces, raisins – 40 g and unsweetened tea Diet with prunes has a balanced composition, to the same rich benefit the fetus successfully suppresses hunger. That is why this method of losing weight can safely recommend to everyone who wants to «comfortably» to get rid of excess weight. Specially for – Larisa Kovalenko


Bad habits leave the woman orgasm without

Harmful habits are not only impair a woman’s health, but also help to reduce their sexualpositionsfree showed, what harm is caused by Smoking and alcohol during adolescence. Early onset of alcohol use and Smoking destroys hormonal background and causes delays in sexual maturation. Scientists of the Center of health studies at the University of Oklahoma (Oklahoma), surveyed more than 3,000 girls, who from childhood had abused bad habits, found that, as adults, they are at an increased risk of miscarriages and infertility and often do not receive satisfaction from sex life. In addition, studies have shown that these girls in 4 times less likely to experience orgasm. Source: Where live the most drinkers ladies?


In Kiev intensified measles

In Ukraine for the last 24 hours recorded 94 cases of suspected measles, including six in Kieler the number of such cases remain Western regions, reported the press service of the health Ministry of Ukraine on Monday. According to the operative and statistical data of the state sanitary and epidemiologic service of Ukraine, since the beginning of the current year and on may 14, the country registered 9333 case of suspicion on disease this disease. Read also: Measles in children: signs of the disease and its treatment in the last days recorded: in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast – 22 cases, Transcarpathian region – 19, Volyn and Chernivtsi – 10, Lviv and Ternopil – 6. In Kyiv for the last day of registered 6 cases. Anti-epidemic measures in the regions, where there is increasing incidence of measles, carried out in full volume in accordance with the order of Ministry of health of 17 may 2005, № 188 On approval of the Instructions concerning the organization of epidemiological surveillance of measles. The question is under the control of state sanitary and epidemiologic service of Ukraine. As reported, on the day of the main state sanitary doctor of Ukraine, head of the State sanitary-epidemiological service of Ukraine Anatoliy Ponomarenko told forecasts that by summer, the incidence of measles in the country will decline.”Of course, this number will decrease. Will end education in schools and colleges… It will lead to the fragmentation of schoolchildren and teenagers, who are the most vulnerable category of population affected by the incidence of measles,” he said.


Scientists have found a new way to give up Smoking

Those who want to quit Smoking, scientists recommend gargle limonadakuruma who are desperately trying to get rid of his bad habits, the researchers suggest that the specific decision – rinse your mouth with lemonade sweetened. Experts found that the sugar that is found in the lemonade, improves attention, energy, and helps improve self-control. It promotes abstinence from Smoking, at least in the short term. Read also: how Much time we need to passive Smoking has harmed the health Team of researchers from the University of Georgia that in the United States, conducted an experiment among students. So, in order to determine contribute rinse with glucose increasing attention and energy, they gave the job 51 a student to perform a series of tasks for self-control. The condition of one of them was to name the color of the words that appeared on the screen. The difficulty was that they were the color names (for example, the word “green” was a purple color. The aim was not to read words, and instead can only see the color. Before performing this job half of the students rinsed her mouth regular lemonade, and the other half lemonade, advanced sweetened with sugar. The experimental results showed that students who rinsed her mouth additionally sweetened with lemonade, much faster performed the task. Read also: child’s Future can be predicted by his behavior In the words of Professor Leonard Martin from the University of Georgia scientists used to think that glucose need to drink to get energy and improve self-control, however, the results of this survey show that it is enough to just rinse mouth. It should be noted that it is not known how long can this effect.


What vitamin is found in the liver?

The liver is a very valuable product, which is the basis for preparing a variety of delicious and healthy dishes. What vitamin is found in the liver? You can learn it. Briefly about the benefits liver Nutritionists and doctors recommend that people leading an active way of life, as often as possible to include in the diet dishes made from the liver. This product contains the optimal set of amino acids, protein present in the liver, is easily assimilated by the organism. Contained in the liver and matter-antioxidants, due to which the body is cleansed from free radicals. The use of this product gives energy, improves the blood, stimulates brain activity, protects organism from the negative effects of tobacco and alcohol. The liver provides us with vitamins a, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H, PP. Each of these substances has individual influence. Vitamin a (retinol), vitamin a is involved in redox processes and in the synthesis of proteins. He has an influence on cellular and subcellular membranes, as well as on the fat metabolism. Retinol is needed by the body for the formation of bone tissue and teeth. It also stimulates the growth of new cells. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B1 takes part in protein, carbohydrate and fat exchange. It will influence the processes of nerve impulses, protects cell membranes from the toxic effects of peroxide oxidation. Vitamin B2 (lactoflavin, Riboflavin) Riboflavin takes part in the formation of antibodies and red blood cells, necessary for the regulation of reproductive functions, and also for work of a thyroid gland. Vitamin B4 (choline chloride) Choline improve fat metabolism, provides normal growth of tissue that controls the level of cholesterol. This substance also improves brain activity. Vitamin B5 (calcium Pantothenate, Pantothenic acid Pantothenic acid is involved in the production of cellular energy and the formation of antibodies. It improves the absorption of vitamins, controls production of adrenal hormones. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Pyridoxine helps the absorption of fatty acids, participates in the synthesis of many enzymes, controls the use of glucose (prevents fluctuations in blood sugar level). This vitamin normalizes metabolism in the tissues of the brain. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) Folic acid affects cell division, as well as on growth and development of body tissues. This vitamin improves the immune system, supports the function of cardiac muscle. Vitamin B9 is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes and amino acids. It improves the blood system, controls the functionality of the blood, liver and digestive system. Vitamin B12 vitamin B12 promotes healthy blood system, increases energy potential, supports the nervous system, reduces irritability, improves memory and concentration. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin C participates in the blood processes, influences the function of the nervous system, stimulates the work of endocrine glands, improves the absorption of iron. Vitamin a is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator. Vitamin H (Biotin) Biotin participates in carbohydrate metabolism. It is essential for the functioning of the nervous system (vitamin reduces nervousness, irritability, prevents insomnia). Vitamin H helps to digest proteins, involved in the decomposition of lipids, normalizes the structure of the hair, skin and nails, is involved in blood. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), Vitamin PP participates in carbohydrate metabolism, promotes normal activity of the cardiovascular system and the cerebral cortex of the brain. What vitamins in the liver bring the greatest benefit? To answer this question difficult – each element complements the action of each other, which explains the wide range of useful properties of the liver.
