Scientists have found a new way to give up Smoking

Those who want to quit Smoking, scientists recommend gargle limonadakuruma who are desperately trying to get rid of his bad habits, the researchers suggest that the specific decision – rinse your mouth with lemonade sweetened. Experts found that the sugar that is found in the lemonade, improves attention, energy, and helps improve self-control. It promotes abstinence from Smoking, at least in the short term. Read also: how Much time we need to passive Smoking has harmed the health Team of researchers from the University of Georgia that in the United States, conducted an experiment among students. So, in order to determine contribute rinse with glucose increasing attention and energy, they gave the job 51 a student to perform a series of tasks for self-control. The condition of one of them was to name the color of the words that appeared on the screen. The difficulty was that they were the color names (for example, the word “green” was a purple color. The aim was not to read words, and instead can only see the color. Before performing this job half of the students rinsed her mouth regular lemonade, and the other half lemonade, advanced sweetened with sugar. The experimental results showed that students who rinsed her mouth additionally sweetened with lemonade, much faster performed the task. Read also: child’s Future can be predicted by his behavior In the words of Professor Leonard Martin from the University of Georgia scientists used to think that glucose need to drink to get energy and improve self-control, however, the results of this survey show that it is enough to just rinse mouth. It should be noted that it is not known how long can this effect.


What vitamin is found in the liver?

The liver is a very valuable product, which is the basis for preparing a variety of delicious and healthy dishes. What vitamin is found in the liver? You can learn it. Briefly about the benefits liver Nutritionists and doctors recommend that people leading an active way of life, as often as possible to include in the diet dishes made from the liver. This product contains the optimal set of amino acids, protein present in the liver, is easily assimilated by the organism. Contained in the liver and matter-antioxidants, due to which the body is cleansed from free radicals. The use of this product gives energy, improves the blood, stimulates brain activity, protects organism from the negative effects of tobacco and alcohol. The liver provides us with vitamins a, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H, PP. Each of these substances has individual influence. Vitamin a (retinol), vitamin a is involved in redox processes and in the synthesis of proteins. He has an influence on cellular and subcellular membranes, as well as on the fat metabolism. Retinol is needed by the body for the formation of bone tissue and teeth. It also stimulates the growth of new cells. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B1 takes part in protein, carbohydrate and fat exchange. It will influence the processes of nerve impulses, protects cell membranes from the toxic effects of peroxide oxidation. Vitamin B2 (lactoflavin, Riboflavin) Riboflavin takes part in the formation of antibodies and red blood cells, necessary for the regulation of reproductive functions, and also for work of a thyroid gland. Vitamin B4 (choline chloride) Choline improve fat metabolism, provides normal growth of tissue that controls the level of cholesterol. This substance also improves brain activity. Vitamin B5 (calcium Pantothenate, Pantothenic acid Pantothenic acid is involved in the production of cellular energy and the formation of antibodies. It improves the absorption of vitamins, controls production of adrenal hormones. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Pyridoxine helps the absorption of fatty acids, participates in the synthesis of many enzymes, controls the use of glucose (prevents fluctuations in blood sugar level). This vitamin normalizes metabolism in the tissues of the brain. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) Folic acid affects cell division, as well as on growth and development of body tissues. This vitamin improves the immune system, supports the function of cardiac muscle. Vitamin B9 is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes and amino acids. It improves the blood system, controls the functionality of the blood, liver and digestive system. Vitamin B12 vitamin B12 promotes healthy blood system, increases energy potential, supports the nervous system, reduces irritability, improves memory and concentration. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin C participates in the blood processes, influences the function of the nervous system, stimulates the work of endocrine glands, improves the absorption of iron. Vitamin a is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator. Vitamin H (Biotin) Biotin participates in carbohydrate metabolism. It is essential for the functioning of the nervous system (vitamin reduces nervousness, irritability, prevents insomnia). Vitamin H helps to digest proteins, involved in the decomposition of lipids, normalizes the structure of the hair, skin and nails, is involved in blood. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), Vitamin PP participates in carbohydrate metabolism, promotes normal activity of the cardiovascular system and the cerebral cortex of the brain. What vitamins in the liver bring the greatest benefit? To answer this question difficult – each element complements the action of each other, which explains the wide range of useful properties of the liver.


Cellulite is now – sexuality

Really beauty standards will collapse, thanks to new research about cellulite?Women all over the world are trying to remove fromhis. The fight against orange peel has become a real industry. But as shown by the study of American specialists, cellulite is a good sign. Body fat in the hips and waist demonstrate extraordinary mind of a woman, her sexuality and education in matters of sex. With such unusual statement was made by the experts from the University of Pittsburgh. The fact that the fat cells provide a supply of omega-3, which stimulate the brain. According to statistics, cellulite is at 95% of women, and its appearance is influenced not stimulating the brain factors. Interestingly, took into consideration whether this fact assistants and can do with it to talk about heightened sexuality almost all the ladies? Source:
