The most effective exercises for buttock

Wanting to sculpt my perfect body, we are faced with the fact that some of its parts are rather reluctant to become engaged in the process of losing weight. This applies, in particular, and to the buttocks, the beautiful shape of which is for many of the cherished goal. The problem with this body part caused by the fact that the body fat precisely there are postponed quickly enough. Contributes and the need to spend most of the day sitting, which does not contribute to the circulation of oxygen and lymph circulation in the body cells. It is therefore important to include exercises for buttock in its regular exercises. So, first of all, don’t forget about the indispensable aerobic exercise, the most effective types which we looked at earlier. To increase the effect for the gluteal muscles, let us learn a thing or two. First, on the treadmill, use the low-speed mode with the increased slope and walk about fifteen minutes, imitating the climb to the mountain top. Toes should look outside, knees slightly bounce, buttocks to be constantly tense. In General, the ability to strain glutes when doing any exercise is the key to success faster achievement of result, but also helps to feel the real impact of performed movements. Following trick will be non-standard use of the elliptical trainer (simulator ski drive). The switched mode feasible load and start at the highest possible speed to pedal backwards, as if moving back. Periodically change the position of socks feet – they look you straight, slightly inward. This does not slow down the speed, we continue to feel a slight tension in the trained muscles, do so for fifteen to twenty minutes – and a great workout will be the loss of a considerable number of calories. When performing these exercises like squats and legs swinging the most important postulate should be a principle «many reps when feasible load.» We don’t need to take on a heavy rod and try to squats, hoping to drive away the excess fat for a couple of approaches. To create a beautiful round, not burdened with excess body fat, you need to get used to a few tens (from twenty to forty) monotonous, slow, thoughtful exercises in one go. Themselves approaches should be not less than three, do not forget about the newfound ability to tense your buttocks, feeling a bit tired and satisfied with the work done. To the usual squats brought tangible benefits, slightly modify them. For a start let us stand so that the heels were on a higher level of socks – you can use banal drive for rod. Then we will start to squat with their hands clasped behind their head (this will help and beautiful posture)this will stay like halfway when you bend your knees start to look for the level of socks feet. Slowly go up and repeat it all over again, after the first approach, do a break in ten seconds, turn toes a little inside, then moving on to the third approach, where the toes already turned slightly outwards. And I smile, remembering that every movement brings us to the possibility proudly wear short skirts and skinny jeans. Following a productive kind of sit-UPS, which for us, is performed by using the supports, which can become handle any trainer, hour, the support is crucial that we could hold on to it with both hands, keeping perfectly flat back position. Feet pressed against the floor, sit down and up slowly, each time increasing the number of repetitions. Using a three-four approaches, proceed to the following procedure is suited to the wall, pressed against her straightened his back and again squatted like sliding on the wall down. Income up to the point when the knees are bent at a right angle and freeze for half a minute. In the first days voltage will be quite strong, up shivering in the gluteal muscles, but the performance indicators have shot up. Another type of exercise that makes you work more and oblique muscles of the legs swinging. To make the transition from the buttocks to the hips worthy of a poster, you need to master Mahi ago, and run them from a position like standing up and lying down, maximum straining buttocks (imagine that we need to keep sandwiched between them ten ruble coin), and lifting straight feet for thirty or forty centimeters. Remember the main postulate, if possible increase the number of approaches and soon begin to see visible changes in the appearance of so attractive for the views of others parts of the body. Of course, the fulfillment of these and other exercises requires will power, and a certain persistence. But the result will please both our male and aesthetic feelings, but also to fill the soul unfailing faith in her as an inexhaustible possibilities. Specially for – Zoya Kuprievich.
