Liposuction increases the risk of suicide

Among men, ridding fat surgically, a higher level of suicide attempts. These are the findings of a recently conducted ISSLEDOVANIYa report, published in the American Journal of Medicine, says about the unexpected effect of liposuction – surgery to remove fat. Patients generally resort to the so-called bariatric surgery (bariatric surgery)have an increased risk of suicide compared with other groups of people. But scientists find it difficult to name a clear reason for this phenomenon. Its reasons are still unknown. So said lead researcher Dr. Hilary A. Tindle from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. She and her colleagues still can’t understand what is the relationship between the conducted operation and subsequent suicide attempt. Perhaps a clear there is a certain relationship. In this case, the operation is an effort, a decisive factor in several others. Most likely, says Dr. Tindl, such patients suffered from depressions and mental disorders before bariatric surgery. It only added to the stress. In any case, the doctor Tindl and her colleagues intend to clarify this issue until the end. After surgery to remove excess fat (liposuction) is one of the most popular plastic surgery. It would probably turn out the necessity of work of psychologists with such patients long before the start of the operation. Everyone wants a gradual rejuvenation. Read more
