Diet for osteoporosis

For osteoporosis bones to become fragile and under certain influences break easily. Latin name «osteoporosis» vividly describes the disease – in the translation of this term means «rarefied bone». Unfortunately, to get rid of the problem is impossible, patients under force only to improve the condition of the bone tissue and minimize the risk of injury. Great is the role of diet in osteoporosis, about it we are you today and tell you. The main recommendations of the diet for osteoporosis to strengthen the bones need calcium, and for good assimilation of this element, we need some vitamins (a, B6, and D), and minerals (here it’s worth mentioning magnesium and phosphorus). The diet should provide the body with optimum combination of nutrients. This can be achieved by eating enough fruits, dried fruits and vegetables (including potatoes and beans). An important role is played by dairy products (yoghurt, curds, cheese, yogurt), and the bread of coarse grinding, and fatty fish. Doctors recommend for this problem daily to drink a Cup of low-fat milk. To avoid the need of any food and drinks with the participation of caffeine. Extremely undesirable chocolate. The number of meat products is reduced – they are rich in iron, which prevents the absorption of calcium. It is worth Recalling that the daily intake of calcium is 800 mg, and in old age, this figure should increase almost twice (up to 1500 mg). Because the diet is difficult to provide your body with the full rate of calcium, it is recommended to take in the form of pharmaceutical preparations. Exemplary menu of diet for osteoporosis Option number 1 • Breakfast: oatmeal with addition of dried apricots and nuts, filled a small number of skim milk, as well as fresh orange juice • Lunch: salad, made with skim milk cheese, a pair of orange slices, a few grapes, sesame seeds, fresh tomatoes, herbs and leaves of salad and a slice of wholegrain bread • Dinner: spaghetti with grated cheese and tomato sauce, and chicken breast with vegetables (you can use broccoli, spinach and other) Option number 2 • Breakfast: roll with sesame and also, cottage cheese, a few grapes and fresh orange juice • Lunch: soup with beans, whole grain bread, yogurt and green Apple • Dinner: a portion of fish, baked with vegetables and boiled potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes Food for osteoporosis full of calcium, but this does not mean that the body is already in a couple of weeks to make up the deficiency of this element. Keep up this menu will have a very, very long time.
