Anorexia (symptoms, signs, treatment)

Anorexia is an eating disorder, is accompanied by a fear of weight gain. Do not think that this problem is known only models that seek, whatever it was to succeed in a tough business model. According to approximate estimates anorexia affects about 1% of the female population of the planet and 0.2% – men (average age of patients 13 to 20 years). Causes of anorexia Cause the development of anorexia in rare cases is a tumor of the brain – it provokes the disturbance of the balance of hormones of the pituitary or hypothalamus. More often, the disease is of a psychological nature. The desire to lose weight is explained by the desire to please a loved one, low self esteem, obsessive desire to make a career, depressive disorders, and even schizophrenia. Symptoms of anorexia Major symptom anorexia is fast weight loss (less than 6 months there is a loss of 20 percent or more of weight. This process is accompanied by panic fear to recover. With long-term malnutrition is observed depletion of the body. Patients do not recognize his problem and I assure others that too full for their growth. On a background of shortage of food develops depression, experiencing anger or euphoric. Anorexia symptoms of anorexia can be attributed to the change of power (patients eat standing up, share food on scanty rations and other). For this disorder characterized by the desire to eat separately. If nothing comes out, patients resort to all sorts of tricks – they are shifting the food in the wrong dish, secretly thrown in the trash or give domestic animals. In addition, anorexic strive by all means to get rid eaten meager amounts of food, vomiting or taking laxatives (for patients characterized by the long stay in the toilet or bathroom). Often they support their «diet» active sports. Anorexic often interested in starting a cooking – this process turns into a real ritual. They study recipes, dishes and willingly feed their loved ones (not keeping participate in the meal). Consequences of anorexia On the background of insufficient food atrophy of muscles, the patient’s body resembles the skeleton of bones leaches calcium, loss of hair and teeth spoil, intestine cease to perform his functions, appear cramps, arrhythmia develops and weakness. Women lose a monthly cycle, while men disappears potency. Have severe internal injuries (in the absence of proper treatment of the cells simply die off. According to statistics of recovering no more than 40% of anorexics, and another 30% is observed improvement. The disease anorexia becomes chronic in 24 % of cases, while 6% of patients dies. Also, she became actively disseminated among children and men. Treatment of anorexia With lower body mass index greater than 30% of the patient will be hospitalized (usually for treatment send his relatives, and he himself actively opposes). In medical institutions use the whole program aimed at treatment of anorexia. They combine methods such as behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, balanced diet and medication. Patients with anorexia are fed small amounts frequently (during the day should be provided 5-6 meals). After eating necessarily have control over their behavior, ensuring that the patients were not caused the vomiting desire to get rid eaten. If the refusal of food enrich their diet liquid nutrient mixtures. The relatives of patients with anorexia is recommended to control the amount of water you drink (accounting subject and daily quantity of urine). How to treat anorexia? Medicines prescribed the following drugs: – amitriptyline; – chlorpromazine; – cyproheptadine at. Relief and bring folk remedies for treatment of anorexia – herbal infusions, increases appetite and beneficial effects on the nervous system. The most valuable raw material for their preparation are the following herbs: • Yarrow • tansy • the Fruit of mountain ash • Lavender • Melissa • Mint • Oregano • Nettle anorexia nervosa is a complex and very dangerous disease, and therefore do not seek to make progress in getting rid yourself (show the patient the doctor and strictly follow the instructions of the specialist). Video: 1. Let them talk. Hunger and aunt 2. Anorexia nervosa: causes and signs. P.S. anyone who wants to get sick specifically (as ill anorexic, how to bring themselves to anorexia etc.) – please do not write reviews, and the more agamirova…
