4 the main enemy of the skin

Every day our skin is influenced by many harmful factors, and not about all we know. Those who care about their health and beauty, it is important to know these enemies skin “in the face”. And how with them bootsee harmful sun… a Little tan allows us to look younger and healthier. But too excessive sunlight might not only lead to premature aging of the skin, and cause cancer. And in order to get into the risk group, no need to spend hours lying on the beach – just enough to walk the streets of their native city. Ultraviolet rays are not even a hindrance to the clouds in the sky. These rays consist of short UVB rays, which allow the skin to tan, (and to burn and to contribute to premature aging of the skin, depleting reserves of natural collagen), and UVA rays, which “is responsible” for dangerous diseases of the skin. And if you think you have to start worrying because of the ultraviolet radiation is after 30 years – will reconsider your opinion. Studies show that 80% of the damage dealt by the sun, our skin, occurs at the age of 18 years. What can you do to protect yourself from harmful solar radiation? First of all find a moisturizer with a protection factor SPF of 15 or higher, and use it every day. If you think you need a long time to be in the open sun, for 15-30 minutes before leaving home apply on the skin with a sunscreen. And eat as many bright fruit and vegetables – they will provide your organism with vitamins-antioxidants A, C and E. Cigarette-killer When you light up a cigar, you release chemical compounds that are freely penetrate into your skin. The visible result is dry skin, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Cigarette smoke induces the aging of the skin, increases the number of free radicals, reduce blood flow, reduce the reserves of the nutrients that are necessary for the skin to look like (and be healthy. In the short term, smoker threatens yellow-grey complexion, spots, the fragility of blood vessels and various skin diseases. In the long – wrinkles. Dermatologists say that women smokers look a few years older than their non-Smoking peers. What to do with this problem? The output is obvious – to give up Smoking. And for those who are not affected by this harmful habit, trying not to be in places where smokers and to avoid cigarette smoke on the skin. Lower degrees All know that alcohol is not good for the liver, heart, vessels… But few people think it is harmless to skin. However, the large amounts of alcohol cause dryness, unhealthy complexion. Over time, it triggers the appearance of wrinkles and change (certainly, not in the best way) oval face. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, so the result of regular drinking can become red, shiny unhealthy Shine to the skin. Is it any pleasure from alcohol such victims? If you go to a party – drink plenty of water: between alcohol units, and then, when you get home. Your skin (and your head) will only benefit from this. And in the morning after a party moisten the skin – for example, make a nourishing mask. Nerves and skin Surely you have noticed that before an important event in your life or during stressful times, the skin condition leaves much to be desired. And no wonder, because stress, in addition to the release of hormones, leads to the fact that we eat less, worse than watching your diet, less care of themselves. The result is dryness and skin irritation and possibly spots on it. The excitement often causes us to frown, but the result are premature wrinkles. Stress negatively affects sleep, which is essential for maintaining the beauty of the skin. How to get rid of stress and to avoid the problem described above? Even during peak usage periods find a few minutes to relax and do some fun. And so easy to fall asleep, sprinkle your pillow lavender essential oil. Source: w2w.com.ua
