Specialists have identified the cause of dementia in some HIV patients

Biologists have found that the particles of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can disable the production of one of the vital hormones in nerve cells in the brain and can cause of dementia in some infected.”We believe that we managed to reveal the General mechanism of poor performance of neurons, which can even explain what is happening with some older people. The HIV carriers are usually young, but their brain is essentially an “old man”, – said the head of the group Italo Mocchetti of the Medical center of the University of Georgetown (USA). Mocchetti and his colleagues for more than ten years have observed changes which are caused by the HIV virus in the work of the human nervous system. Originally, scientists explored the possible relationship between the development of dementia, HIV and drug abuse, since many PLWHA are simultaneously cocaine or heroin addicts. Read also: Specialists learned, how do people become infected with HIV during several research biologists have failed to find a clear connection between drugs and dementia, causing them to study what happens to the cells of the nervous system in case of infection with the HIV particles. The authors obtained samples of blood 130 female volunteers suffering from HIV, the virus for a long time. Some of them suffered from disorders of the nervous system – reduced mental abilities, depression, and poor control over the fine motor skills. Biologists have compared the chemical composition of the samples and found that the blood of the insane women contained abnormally low share of hormone – neurotropic factor brain BDNF. This protein is vital for normal functioning of the brain, as it supports existing neurons and stimulates the formation of new relations between neighboring cells. The researchers tried to find out the reason for such a low concentration of this substance in the blood of patients having studied the chemical composition of neurons in the brain dead patients with HIV, suffering from dementia. It turned out that the virus particles break the cycle of development of the hormone, blocking some of the chemical reaction when the “Assembly”. As scientists believe, the protein prevents the virus to infect immune cells in the brain, which he always tries to stop the production of BDNF. “HIV hinders the process of “splitting” of the molecule pro-BDNF (“blank” hormone), resulting neurons will mostly toxic form of the protein. We already know about the connection between the low concentration of testosterone and depression, and poor memory and low mental ability. Therefore, the HIV carriers have senile brain,” continued Mocchetti. According to scientists, lock Assembly BDNF lead to other negative consequences. “Blanks” of the hormone in the form of molecules pro-BDNF themselves able to connect to the neurons they force them to separate from other nerves that ultimately leads to massive cell death. Read also: the situation with HIV/AIDS Ukrainian authorities saw positive trends In the words of Mocchetti and his colleagues, a similar mechanism of neuronal cell death may be the cause of some neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s. Treatment for such forms of dementia biologists propose to develop a drug that blocks the work of protein pro-BDNF. “If this technique works in the treatment of the impact of HIV, it can help and people suffering from senile dementia and other forms of the disease,” says biologist. Let’s note, as reported in the April report of the world health organization (who),the number of people with dementia (dementia) in the world will increase in two times by 2030.


The most effective exercises for buttock

Wanting to sculpt my perfect body, we are faced with the fact that some of its parts are rather reluctant to become engaged in the process of losing weight. This applies, in particular, and to the buttocks, the beautiful shape of which is for many of the cherished goal. The problem with this body part caused by the fact that the body fat precisely there are postponed quickly enough. Contributes and the need to spend most of the day sitting, which does not contribute to the circulation of oxygen and lymph circulation in the body cells. It is therefore important to include exercises for buttock in its regular exercises. So, first of all, don’t forget about the indispensable aerobic exercise, the most effective types which we looked at earlier. To increase the effect for the gluteal muscles, let us learn a thing or two. First, on the treadmill, use the low-speed mode with the increased slope and walk about fifteen minutes, imitating the climb to the mountain top. Toes should look outside, knees slightly bounce, buttocks to be constantly tense. In General, the ability to strain glutes when doing any exercise is the key to success faster achievement of result, but also helps to feel the real impact of performed movements. Following trick will be non-standard use of the elliptical trainer (simulator ski drive). The switched mode feasible load and start at the highest possible speed to pedal backwards, as if moving back. Periodically change the position of socks feet – they look you straight, slightly inward. This does not slow down the speed, we continue to feel a slight tension in the trained muscles, do so for fifteen to twenty minutes – and a great workout will be the loss of a considerable number of calories. When performing these exercises like squats and legs swinging the most important postulate should be a principle «many reps when feasible load.» We don’t need to take on a heavy rod and try to squats, hoping to drive away the excess fat for a couple of approaches. To create a beautiful round, not burdened with excess body fat, you need to get used to a few tens (from twenty to forty) monotonous, slow, thoughtful exercises in one go. Themselves approaches should be not less than three, do not forget about the newfound ability to tense your buttocks, feeling a bit tired and satisfied with the work done. To the usual squats brought tangible benefits, slightly modify them. For a start let us stand so that the heels were on a higher level of socks – you can use banal drive for rod. Then we will start to squat with their hands clasped behind their head (this will help and beautiful posture)this will stay like halfway when you bend your knees start to look for the level of socks feet. Slowly go up and repeat it all over again, after the first approach, do a break in ten seconds, turn toes a little inside, then moving on to the third approach, where the toes already turned slightly outwards. And I smile, remembering that every movement brings us to the possibility proudly wear short skirts and skinny jeans. Following a productive kind of sit-UPS, which for us, is performed by using the supports, which can become handle any trainer, hour, the support is crucial that we could hold on to it with both hands, keeping perfectly flat back position. Feet pressed against the floor, sit down and up slowly, each time increasing the number of repetitions. Using a three-four approaches, proceed to the following procedure is suited to the wall, pressed against her straightened his back and again squatted like sliding on the wall down. Income up to the point when the knees are bent at a right angle and freeze for half a minute. In the first days voltage will be quite strong, up shivering in the gluteal muscles, but the performance indicators have shot up. Another type of exercise that makes you work more and oblique muscles of the legs swinging. To make the transition from the buttocks to the hips worthy of a poster, you need to master Mahi ago, and run them from a position like standing up and lying down, maximum straining buttocks (imagine that we need to keep sandwiched between them ten ruble coin), and lifting straight feet for thirty or forty centimeters. Remember the main postulate, if possible increase the number of approaches and soon begin to see visible changes in the appearance of so attractive for the views of others parts of the body. Of course, the fulfillment of these and other exercises requires will power, and a certain persistence. But the result will please both our male and aesthetic feelings, but also to fill the soul unfailing faith in her as an inexhaustible possibilities. Specially for upDiet.info – Zoya Kuprievich.


Surgeons have performed a unique operation on heart baby

Surgeons operated on a baby girl, which became the youngest patient in the world who underwent surgery on the open serdtsebienie from hospital Freeman that in Newcastle, has made a unique operation on heart of a newborn girl. Jasmine Carr became the youngest patient, who underwent surgery on the open heart. The girl, at the time of surgical intervention was only 17.5 hours old and without surgery, her chances of survival was only 15%. Read also: In China conducted an operation to separate Siamese twins Severe test for the young family started when in the hospital, while scanning the 20th week of pregnancy 27-year-old Joe said that one side of her unborn child could not form properly. The doctors suggested a woman several options: to terminate the pregnancy, the birth of a child and watch as it dies or trust the doctors and to allow a heart surgery. According to Joe, the mother of Jasmine, this was not an easy choice, but she and her husband decided to go on the operation. After birth, the little girl, whose heart the size does not exceed walnut, surgeons from hospital Freeman performed surgery on the open heart. Experts had to make right side of the heart girls to assume the function of the left departments of the authority. Was eventually recorded a heart attack, and the child is three months was placed in intensive care. Now Jasmine, who was suffering from the syndrome hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the left heart, out of intensive care and her parents, Joe and James, I hope that in April they will be able to take it home. Read also: Operations on vessels will make the robots will Remind, that earlier the young patients, survivors of a similar procedure was considered to be the child 36 hours old.


Diet for osteoporosis

For osteoporosis bones to become fragile and under certain influences break easily. Latin name «osteoporosis» vividly describes the disease – in the translation of this term means «rarefied bone». Unfortunately, to get rid of the problem is impossible, patients under force only to improve the condition of the bone tissue and minimize the risk of injury. Great is the role of diet in osteoporosis, about it we are you today and tell you. The main recommendations of the diet for osteoporosis to strengthen the bones need calcium, and for good assimilation of this element, we need some vitamins (a, B6, and D), and minerals (here it’s worth mentioning magnesium and phosphorus). The diet should provide the body with optimum combination of nutrients. This can be achieved by eating enough fruits, dried fruits and vegetables (including potatoes and beans). An important role is played by dairy products (yoghurt, curds, cheese, yogurt), and the bread of coarse grinding, and fatty fish. Doctors recommend for this problem daily to drink a Cup of low-fat milk. To avoid the need of any food and drinks with the participation of caffeine. Extremely undesirable chocolate. The number of meat products is reduced – they are rich in iron, which prevents the absorption of calcium. It is worth Recalling that the daily intake of calcium is 800 mg, and in old age, this figure should increase almost twice (up to 1500 mg). Because the diet is difficult to provide your body with the full rate of calcium, it is recommended to take in the form of pharmaceutical preparations. Exemplary menu of diet for osteoporosis Option number 1 • Breakfast: oatmeal with addition of dried apricots and nuts, filled a small number of skim milk, as well as fresh orange juice • Lunch: salad, made with skim milk cheese, a pair of orange slices, a few grapes, sesame seeds, fresh tomatoes, herbs and leaves of salad and a slice of wholegrain bread • Dinner: spaghetti with grated cheese and tomato sauce, and chicken breast with vegetables (you can use broccoli, spinach and other) Option number 2 • Breakfast: roll with sesame and also, cottage cheese, a few grapes and fresh orange juice • Lunch: soup with beans, whole grain bread, yogurt and green Apple • Dinner: a portion of fish, baked with vegetables and boiled potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes Food for osteoporosis full of calcium, but this does not mean that the body is already in a couple of weeks to make up the deficiency of this element. Keep up this menu will have a very, very long time.


Liposuction increases the risk of suicide

Among men, ridding fat surgically, a higher level of suicide attempts. These are the findings of a recently conducted ISSLEDOVANIYa report, published in the American Journal of Medicine, says about the unexpected effect of liposuction – surgery to remove fat. Patients generally resort to the so-called bariatric surgery (bariatric surgery)have an increased risk of suicide compared with other groups of people. But scientists find it difficult to name a clear reason for this phenomenon. Its reasons are still unknown. So said lead researcher Dr. Hilary A. Tindle from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. She and her colleagues still can’t understand what is the relationship between the conducted operation and subsequent suicide attempt. Perhaps a clear there is a certain relationship. In this case, the operation is an effort, a decisive factor in several others. Most likely, says Dr. Tindl, such patients suffered from depressions and mental disorders before bariatric surgery. It only added to the stress. In any case, the doctor Tindl and her colleagues intend to clarify this issue until the end. After surgery to remove excess fat (liposuction) is one of the most popular plastic surgery. It would probably turn out the necessity of work of psychologists with such patients long before the start of the operation. Everyone wants a gradual rejuvenation. Read more


The name of the daughter of singer Beyonce called marijuana strain

In honor of newborn daughter pop diva Beyonce Knowles and rapper Jay-Z blue Ivey Carter described as a new variety of medical marijuananude got the name OG Blue Ivy. The letters of ML in the grade name of marijuana may be a specific reference to the name plate rapper Ice-T-O.G. Original Gangster (1991). Accurate information on the value of the combination of ML in the name of cannabis no, reports The Sun. Read also: strange names of the children of the stars of show business Marijuana, named after the daughter of popular artists, sold in specialized stores in California. You can buy it, in particular, in the medical center in Kern County. Smoking marijuana in California permitted for medical purposes. To buy cannabis in the specialized medical centers under the recipe of the doctor. Beyonce and Jay-Z has not commented on the appearance of sales of marijuana, named after their child. American media have noted that in case of dissatisfaction with the fact of appearance of drugs called OG Blue Ivy, young parents are unlikely to be able to present the creators of a variety of legal claims – the fact that the name of the newborn blue Ivey is not a registered trademark. Let’s remind, that the daughter Beyonce and Jay-Z was born on 7 January in new York. Earlier it was reported that in Toronto appeared marijuana, called in honor of the canadian singer Justin Bieber. Let’s remind also, scientists have concluded that Smoking marijuana bezvrednoe tobacco.


4 the main enemy of the skin

Every day our skin is influenced by many harmful factors, and not about all we know. Those who care about their health and beauty, it is important to know these enemies skin “in the face”. And how with them bootsee harmful sun… a Little tan allows us to look younger and healthier. But too excessive sunlight might not only lead to premature aging of the skin, and cause cancer. And in order to get into the risk group, no need to spend hours lying on the beach – just enough to walk the streets of their native city. Ultraviolet rays are not even a hindrance to the clouds in the sky. These rays consist of short UVB rays, which allow the skin to tan, (and to burn and to contribute to premature aging of the skin, depleting reserves of natural collagen), and UVA rays, which “is responsible” for dangerous diseases of the skin. And if you think you have to start worrying because of the ultraviolet radiation is after 30 years – will reconsider your opinion. Studies show that 80% of the damage dealt by the sun, our skin, occurs at the age of 18 years. What can you do to protect yourself from harmful solar radiation? First of all find a moisturizer with a protection factor SPF of 15 or higher, and use it every day. If you think you need a long time to be in the open sun, for 15-30 minutes before leaving home apply on the skin with a sunscreen. And eat as many bright fruit and vegetables – they will provide your organism with vitamins-antioxidants A, C and E. Cigarette-killer When you light up a cigar, you release chemical compounds that are freely penetrate into your skin. The visible result is dry skin, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Cigarette smoke induces the aging of the skin, increases the number of free radicals, reduce blood flow, reduce the reserves of the nutrients that are necessary for the skin to look like (and be healthy. In the short term, smoker threatens yellow-grey complexion, spots, the fragility of blood vessels and various skin diseases. In the long – wrinkles. Dermatologists say that women smokers look a few years older than their non-Smoking peers. What to do with this problem? The output is obvious – to give up Smoking. And for those who are not affected by this harmful habit, trying not to be in places where smokers and to avoid cigarette smoke on the skin. Lower degrees All know that alcohol is not good for the liver, heart, vessels… But few people think it is harmless to skin. However, the large amounts of alcohol cause dryness, unhealthy complexion. Over time, it triggers the appearance of wrinkles and change (certainly, not in the best way) oval face. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, so the result of regular drinking can become red, shiny unhealthy Shine to the skin. Is it any pleasure from alcohol such victims? If you go to a party – drink plenty of water: between alcohol units, and then, when you get home. Your skin (and your head) will only benefit from this. And in the morning after a party moisten the skin – for example, make a nourishing mask. Nerves and skin Surely you have noticed that before an important event in your life or during stressful times, the skin condition leaves much to be desired. And no wonder, because stress, in addition to the release of hormones, leads to the fact that we eat less, worse than watching your diet, less care of themselves. The result is dryness and skin irritation and possibly spots on it. The excitement often causes us to frown, but the result are premature wrinkles. Stress negatively affects sleep, which is essential for maintaining the beauty of the skin. How to get rid of stress and to avoid the problem described above? Even during peak usage periods find a few minutes to relax and do some fun. And so easy to fall asleep, sprinkle your pillow lavender essential oil. Source: w2w.com.ua


Anorexia (symptoms, signs, treatment)

Anorexia is an eating disorder, is accompanied by a fear of weight gain. Do not think that this problem is known only models that seek, whatever it was to succeed in a tough business model. According to approximate estimates anorexia affects about 1% of the female population of the planet and 0.2% – men (average age of patients 13 to 20 years). Causes of anorexia Cause the development of anorexia in rare cases is a tumor of the brain – it provokes the disturbance of the balance of hormones of the pituitary or hypothalamus. More often, the disease is of a psychological nature. The desire to lose weight is explained by the desire to please a loved one, low self esteem, obsessive desire to make a career, depressive disorders, and even schizophrenia. Symptoms of anorexia Major symptom anorexia is fast weight loss (less than 6 months there is a loss of 20 percent or more of weight. This process is accompanied by panic fear to recover. With long-term malnutrition is observed depletion of the body. Patients do not recognize his problem and I assure others that too full for their growth. On a background of shortage of food develops depression, experiencing anger or euphoric. Anorexia symptoms of anorexia can be attributed to the change of power (patients eat standing up, share food on scanty rations and other). For this disorder characterized by the desire to eat separately. If nothing comes out, patients resort to all sorts of tricks – they are shifting the food in the wrong dish, secretly thrown in the trash or give domestic animals. In addition, anorexic strive by all means to get rid eaten meager amounts of food, vomiting or taking laxatives (for patients characterized by the long stay in the toilet or bathroom). Often they support their «diet» active sports. Anorexic often interested in starting a cooking – this process turns into a real ritual. They study recipes, dishes and willingly feed their loved ones (not keeping participate in the meal). Consequences of anorexia On the background of insufficient food atrophy of muscles, the patient’s body resembles the skeleton of bones leaches calcium, loss of hair and teeth spoil, intestine cease to perform his functions, appear cramps, arrhythmia develops and weakness. Women lose a monthly cycle, while men disappears potency. Have severe internal injuries (in the absence of proper treatment of the cells simply die off. According to statistics of recovering no more than 40% of anorexics, and another 30% is observed improvement. The disease anorexia becomes chronic in 24 % of cases, while 6% of patients dies. Also, she became actively disseminated among children and men. Treatment of anorexia With lower body mass index greater than 30% of the patient will be hospitalized (usually for treatment send his relatives, and he himself actively opposes). In medical institutions use the whole program aimed at treatment of anorexia. They combine methods such as behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, balanced diet and medication. Patients with anorexia are fed small amounts frequently (during the day should be provided 5-6 meals). After eating necessarily have control over their behavior, ensuring that the patients were not caused the vomiting desire to get rid eaten. If the refusal of food enrich their diet liquid nutrient mixtures. The relatives of patients with anorexia is recommended to control the amount of water you drink (accounting subject and daily quantity of urine). How to treat anorexia? Medicines prescribed the following drugs: – amitriptyline; – chlorpromazine; – cyproheptadine at. Relief and bring folk remedies for treatment of anorexia – herbal infusions, increases appetite and beneficial effects on the nervous system. The most valuable raw material for their preparation are the following herbs: • Yarrow • tansy • the Fruit of mountain ash • Lavender • Melissa • Mint • Oregano • Nettle anorexia nervosa is a complex and very dangerous disease, and therefore do not seek to make progress in getting rid yourself (show the patient the doctor and strictly follow the instructions of the specialist). Video: 1. Let them talk. Hunger and aunt 2. Anorexia nervosa: causes and signs. P.S. anyone who wants to get sick specifically (as ill anorexic, how to bring themselves to anorexia etc.) – please do not write reviews, and the more agamirova…
