Sausage can cause cancer

As scientists have found that eating processed meat increases the risk of cancer kishechnorastvorima swelling of the bowel may occur in up to 5 people out of hundreds. However, as scientists have found that an additional 50 g of sausage, ham, sausages or bacon can increase the risk of developing this cancer are up to six times out of a hundred. Specialists from the UK estimated that women consume about 25 grams of processed meat daily. Of course, according to this criterion, women do not fall within the main group of risk of developing cancer of the colon, but if you love the products of processed meat, scientists are advised to be cautious and not to expose your body to additional risk. So, the researchers found that about 10 % of new cases of colon cancer can be prevented if we eat not more than 70 g of processed meat per week. This is about three pieces of sausage. Read also How to store meat and fish in the fridge?
