How to remove stretch marks after delivery?

A serious problem for most women, the birth of a child are stretch marks after delivery. They appear on the abdomen, Breasts, hips, than lead the newly minted mothers in the hollow despair and confusion. Do I have to live with them next? What are stretch marks? First of all calm down and do not panic! It is not fatal and totally fixable. Stretch marks are not pathological phenomenon, they are not a threat or danger to your health and are not considered a sign of disease. They appear because of the fact that during pregnancy the body is not able to produce enough collagen and elastin which are responsible for the elasticity and skin appearance. But every woman should be beautiful, and nothing has to spoil. So we declare war on the stretch marks! Start with prevention For those who are thinking about this problem before or during pregnancy, available methods of prevention of stretch marks. After all, whatever the problem, it is easier to prevent, than to fight it. The best preventive measure against stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth is the prenatal bandage. It not only keeps the correct position of the fetus and reduces the load on the spine, but are great for keeping the abdominal wall, thereby helping to avoid stretch marks. Start to wear the device with the 20th week of pregnancy. Remove it only at night. After 20 days from birth to 6 weeks maternity wear a brace. Do not forget about bra – it must be only natural fabrics. The breast will remain in good shape, it must be worn at all times. In addition, abdomen, and chest and hips are advised to regularly washed with water at room temperature and wiping with a rough towel. This will harden the skin and make it more elastic. Start the fight Ways to remove stretch marks after delivery, invented so many. Experts recommend to approach this issue in a comprehensive manner. Given the complexity of the problem, only the combination of different methods will help to fully with them to part. Method 1. Peeling. This procedure is very simple and can easily make yourself at home. You can use scrubs own cooking or purchase them at a drugstore. Well bilingue mixture is ground sea salt and coffee cake. Using the tools you selected with light massage movements study all the problem areas. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and even. Method 2. Rubbing oils. Prepare oil mixture, mixing the wheat germ oil, almond, olive oil in small quantities and dropping there any essential oils. This tool contains large amounts of vitamin E, which accelerates the regeneration of cells. Regularly RUB the mixture into the place of stretch marks. The result will not come immediately, but it will be obvious. Method 3. Rubbing the washcloth. You will need a hard sponge made of natural fibers. During the adoption of the soul simply RUB the skin with light circular movements. It improves blood circulation and flow of nutrients to the problematic area. Method 4. Wraps. This is a certain base with essential oils. For a basis it is possible to get honey, yogurt, cottage cheese, potato or fruit puree, egg yolk, clay, etc. On one tablespoon of the mixture, add 20-25 drops of rosemary, incense or ginger oil. Causing the product to the skin, cover it with plastic wrap and wrap a warm scarf. Then lie down in peace 30-40 minutes. Method 5. The bath. This is perhaps the most effective way to deal with stretch marks, because in this case the remedy maximum contact with skin problems. Dissolve in a warm bath for the following mixture: honey, sea salt, baking soda, natural essential oil (it is better linen, tangerine, or almond). In the first days of the duration of the bath should not be more than 5 minutes. Then you can gradually increase the time. After the bath, not literates, and you just need to copy Bathrobe and wait until absorbed oil. Whether cream? Today, many firms-manufacturers of cosmetics offer a variety of means from stretch marks, such as creams or gels. They should not be neglected, because they really help. To achieve tangible effect, a cream for stretch marks after delivery should be used regularly. It can simply RUB in problem areas, and you can make a real massage – so you got a double effect: from massage and from the funds. As you can see, there are many ways, and they are quite simple. So don’t torture yourself with the questions «how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth?» «how to get rid of stretch marks on his chest?». Just start your daily hard struggle. And already in a few weeks you will see the first result, and soon – ideal body will return to their stubborn mistress.
