Men who like tea, more likely to develop prostate cancer

Men who drink 7 cups of tea a day for a 50% greater chance of getting cancer prostaticescoy from Glasgow University found that men who drink more than seven cups of tea a day, more risk to be ill with prostate cancer than those who consume three cups or less. Researchers have admitted that they were surprised to receive such data, since people who prefer tea rarely suffer from overweight, drink alcohol or have high cholesterol. The researchers concluded that a bit to reduce the risk of developing the most common form of cancer among men is to reduce the consumption of tea to one Cup a day. The study leader, Dr. Kashif Shafik, says: “I was surprised to find out that the risk of developing prostate cancer increases with each Cup of tea.” He also noted that after the seventh Cup it increases by 50% and especially scientist confuses black tea. Read also: Black tea reduces the pressure These conclusions were based on the results obtained during the study, which began in Scotland in 1970, when 6016 men at the age from 21 to 75 asked in detail to answer questions about their way of life, including on the daily consumption of tea. Scientists have discovered that 6.4% of those who had consumed at least 7 cups of tea a day were faced with prostate cancer, compared with 4.6% of those who drank up to 3 cups daily. When experts have adjusted the data with respect to the age of participants of the survey, their health and lifestyle, they found that those who drank tea in large quantities by 50% increased chances of developing the disease.
