Fasting day on buckwheat

Buckwheat is a very valuable product, which because of its balanced composition perfectly nourishes and permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger. Typing in a weekly meal plan fasting day on buckwheat, you will never regret the decision. Briefly about the benefits of fasting day on buckwheat Going on buckwheat, you will provide your organism with the valuable vitamins (a, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, PP) and minerals (the most valuable are the following: iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, and zinc). Buckwheat is composed of mono – and disaccharides, amino acids and dietary fibers, stimulating the process of self-purification. The unloading on the buckwheat gives rest to the digestive tract and rejuvenates the body. Rules for the handling of the day on the buckwheat Unloading of this useful product you can spend 1-3 days. Every day is to eat unsalted buckwheat porridge made from 250 g of groats (it is brewed in a thermos and leave overnight. Oil, sugar, any spices and sauces are banned. Addition of buckwheat diet is low-fat yogurt (1 liter). Products alternated or drink together, dividing the whole volume of food on 5-6 meals. During the day you can drink mineral water or herbal tea. The daily rate of a liquid – 2-2 .5 liters of Effectiveness Offload buckwheat can lose 0.5-1 kg Since buckwheat – rich product, fasting day is quite possible to combine with sports. However it should be remembered that the combination of buckwheat with kefir may have a mild laxative effect, so a weak stomach» far from home better not to deviate. Buckwheat has practically no contraindications (except the individual intolerance). It does not cause allergic reactions and give the body undeniable benefits. If you value your health, don’t ignore this useful option unloading. Specially for – Larisa Kovalenko
