A diet at disease of the joints

Arthritis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, periarthritis and arthritis today are not uncommon. A diet at disease of the joints cleanses the body, reduces symptoms and increases the effectiveness of medical treatment. Diet with inflammatory diseases of the joints On the background of the development of the inflammatory process occurs accumulation of harmful products of exchange. In order their removal patients are recommended to strengthen the drinking regime. If the patient has difficulty with the excretion of fluid, your doctor prescribes diuretics, fruit drinks and herbal appropriate action. Inflammation of the joints in the diet should include raw vegetables (you can not use cabbage, onions, peppers and tomatoes). It is recommended to exclude spices. You can eat the fruit, but it is worth considering that some of them can negate the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (not recommended to eat sour and unripe fruits, drink citrus juice). In the basis of the diet must be easily digestible and rich in protein foods. Should not eat lamb, pork and beef in priority rabbit meat, chicken, fish. Fermented milk products have to be on the menu patients. Welcome cheese, fresh cheese, fermented milk drinks, but from whole milk is better to refuse. Diet dystrophic diseases of joints dystrophic diseases of joints, it is recommended to control calorie intake – this reduces the load and reduce pain. Caloric value decrease at the expense of fat and fast carbohydrates have to be excluded sweets, pastry, cakes, refractory fats of animal origin. In the basis of the diet must be fresh, steamed or boiled vegetables. It is useful to eat carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, avocado, green, leafy vegetables. From the rich assortment of fruits, recommended, preferably kiwis, bananas and apples (fresh, baked). Is it lawful to eat meat and fish dishes (3-4 times per week), as well as dairy products. It should be kept in mind that in the acute period from meat is better to refuse. Every 2 days during exacerbation you can arrange a discharge on dairy products or fruits. The benefits of almonds, pine nuts, cereals, dried fruits (in small quantities). Salt intake is reduced to a minimum (it is better to salt ready meals). Liquid diet (unless contraindicated) should be rich (up to 3 l per day). Drinking is mineral water without gas (suitable option should advise the doctor), compotes, fruit drinks, teas. The liquid is useful to use before eating and after some time afterwards. The Diet reviews in diseases of the joints depends on the type of pathology and the degree of its severity. Practice shows that the therapeutic diet brings significant relief.
