Diet Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren has always been recognized as the standard of beauty, and even at the age of 65 People magazine has recognized her most charming and brilliant woman of the world. That helps unfading beauty to stay in shape here already long years – is the only one diet Sophia Loren provides such an amazing result? Our article will reveal this secret. The main recommendations from Sophia Loren For many years this from the nature of a beautiful woman has developed certain rules by which it was able to preserve not only the young but also to support the weight within a certain framework. 1. Actress recommends to cancel fatty cheese and cream filling stations – they can be replaced with vegetable additives and low-calorie sauces. 2. Unfading beauty considers alcohol and Smoking are the true enemies of youth. 3. Sophia Loren used to eat three times a day, trying to do without snacking. 4. The actress says that a serving of yogurt beer yeast (1 tbsp) should be consumed daily – this kind of cocktail would improve digestion. 5. According to Sophie to get rid of fat and prevent new ones, is one day to include in the diet of fresh pineapple. 6. From years of experience, the famous actress claims that the cleansing of the body and unloading must be carried out every three months (but not less). 7. To keep in shape Sophie helps daily ten-minute charging, cool shower and Hiking. 8. Sophia Loren goes to bed already at 21.00, because a good vacation is the key to health and beauty. Menu diet This diet lasts only three days, and to repeat it can in a month. The average caloric intake – 1000 kcal. Day 1 • Breakfast: orange juice (170 ml) and boiled egg (1 piece) • Lunch: laid on leaves of salad vegetable allsorts with slices of Turkey (60 g) and any low-fat cheese • Dinner: pasta with shrimp (115 g), and salad of spinach, seasoned low-calorie sauce • Dessert: Apple Day 2 • Breakfast: portion coarse cereals with low-fat milk • Lunch: fruit salad and fresh cheese (100 g) • Dinner: spaghetti with steam Turkey meatballs (115 g), and the leaves of green salad with vegetable dressing • Dessert: pear Day 3 • Breakfast: bagale – salt bagel from a flour of a rough grinding (0.5 PCs) with any low-fat cheese • Lunch: green salad with boiled chicken meat (115 g) • Dinner: lasagna with low-fat cheese (170 g), and salad from many different greens with vegetable dressing • Dessert: peaches (2 pieces) For snacking on any of the days can be used peppers or tomatoes with garlic dressing. The results Follow Sophia Loren you can count on excellent result – this timeless woman managed around the world to prove the effectiveness of its recommendations. Specially for – Larisa Kovalenko
