Fruit smooth wrinkles

According to scientists, lovers of fruits and vegetables is less prone to wrinkles than those who denies this healthy and tasty this amazing effect due to the fact that fruits and vegetables contain a huge amount of antioxidants that can slow down the aging process for several years. Antioxidants bind free radicals – moving molecules of oxygen, which provoke harmful oxidation reactions in the body that can lead not only to the appearance of wrinkles, but even to cancer cojiendostacy, such as vitamin a, C and E, are contained in fruits or vegetables. Scientists say that especially wrinkles are “afraid” fruits and vegetables of red. So if you want to protect the youth of your skin, feel free to lean on red apples, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Source:


Strawberry cake (246 kcal)

Because biscuit cake contain a small amount of fats in cooking to make sure they do not become brown. Otherwise, they will crumble. Products (10 servings): – 4 cups sliced strawberries; – 0.5 cups + 1.5 tsp sugar, 1 tsp. grated lemon rind; – 2 tsp baking powder, 2 cups flour – 0.25 ch.l. soda; – 0.5 ch.l. salt; – 6 tablespoons cold butter, cut into small pieces; – 0,66 Cup fat buttermilk; – 0.5 tsp of vanilla extract; – cooking spray or a small amount of vegetable oil; – 1 beaten egg white; – 2 cups fat-free whipped cream + 2 tablespoons for topping; – whole berries for decoration. How to cook strawberry cake? 1. To prepare the strawberry stuffing mix of berries and 0.25 cups of sugar, cover and put in the hours in the refrigerator. 2. Heat oven to 200 degrees. 3. Mix with a whisk in a large bowl the flour, 1/4 Cup sugar, baking powder, grated lemon peel, salt and soda. The flour with butter posetite knife. Mix together the buttermilk and vanilla, add to the mix with a flour. Stir until the dough is sticky. 4. Put the dough on a floured surface. Gently knead the dough four times previously sprinkled hands with flour. Cover the pan with cooking spray or oil. Make the cake 20 cm in diameter and place on it. Tassel apply on the cake of dough egg white and sprinkle with 1.5 tsp sugar. 5. Cook in the oven for 15 minutes or until the moment when the dough will cease to stick to the match, which you will pierce. Let cool 10 minutes on an iron grid. Serrated knife divide the cake in half horizontally, give the parts to cool separately on the grid. 6. Place the lower half of the cake, cut side up on a serving plate. Drain separately with berries juice and pour them down on the bottom half of the cake. Spread evenly 2 cups whipped cream on juiced lower crust, top evenly spread the pieces of berries. Cover with top crust, cut side of which should be turned down. If you have the desire, decorate top of cake with additional whipped cream and a strawberry. In one portion (0.1 piece of cake) contains: 246 kcal; fats – 7,4 g saturated fat – 4.4 g; cholesterol – 19 mg; salt – 348 mg; carbohydrates – 40.3 g; fiber – 2.2 g; proteins – 4, Especially for – chef Irina Goynuk


Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

In the fight against overweight are helping us a variety of means. Today’s article we will build such an undeniably useful product as Apple cider vinegar for weight loss. How to cook it and how to receive? Useful properties of Apple cider vinegar • This drink contains many valuable mineral substances and organic acids. • Its composition helps to improve metabolism. • Vinegar can quickly break down carbohydrates and fats from food. • Apple cider vinegar significantly reduces appetite when administered in dilute form. • It can be used both externally and internally. The above is useful qualities have made this useful product is very popular among people seeking to get rid of extra pounds. How to make Apple cider vinegar? Homemade Apple cider vinegar is much more useful purchase. To do it is not difficult – to do this you will need apples (you can even take overripe fruit, sugar and water. Recipe: Apples rinse in running water, chop, put in enamelled pots, and pour hot water (within 60-70 degrees). Water must be of a higher layer of apples on 3-4 see the same place put sugar (100 grams to 1 kg sour apples and 50 grams per 1 kg for sweet). Thus prepared apples leave in a warm place for a couple of weeks (two times a day mixture should be stirred). On expiry of this period Apple infusion strain, pour into bottles (up to top) and leave it to ferment in a warm place for another couple of weeks. Ready Apple cider vinegar store in cool, dry place in tightly closed bottles. How you can use Apple cider vinegar for weight loss? • Acetic wraps This method will save you from the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and abdomen. Apple cider vinegar mixed with water (in the ratio 1:1)Tkani soak in the solution, the press and wrap problem areas. On top of cloth put the film and put on warm clothes. Procedure duration is 30-40 minutes. • Rubbing Apple cider vinegar you can use for grinding of the problem areas of the body, the volume of which should be reduced. • Means for reducing appetite Prepare the drink, rastvoriv in a glass of water and a teaspoon of honey and add a tablespoon of vinegar. This drink drink before a meal (within 30 minutes). • Weight-recipe first, Prepare the same solution, but without the addition of honey. This drink drink in the morning on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. • Slimming, recipe second, Add 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink for Breakfast. The same solution drink immediately before bedtime. Another dose, take in the daytime, not focusing on the meal. Important recommendations on application: 1. Apple cider vinegar not be consumed by people with high acidity of the stomach. He also contraindicated for gastritis. 2. Note that the solution of such vinegar to drink only through a tube (he breaks down the enamel of the teeth). Sure, rinse your mouth after consumption. For weight loss Apple cider vinegar is to make sure – it will bring you a small, but positive result. Specially for – Larisa Kovalenko


Sausage can cause cancer

As scientists have found that eating processed meat increases the risk of cancer kishechnorastvorima swelling of the bowel may occur in up to 5 people out of hundreds. However, as scientists have found that an additional 50 g of sausage, ham, sausages or bacon can increase the risk of developing this cancer are up to six times out of a hundred. Specialists from the UK estimated that women consume about 25 grams of processed meat daily. Of course, according to this criterion, women do not fall within the main group of risk of developing cancer of the colon, but if you love the products of processed meat, scientists are advised to be cautious and not to expose your body to additional risk. So, the researchers found that about 10 % of new cases of colon cancer can be prevented if we eat not more than 70 g of processed meat per week. This is about three pieces of sausage. Read also How to store meat and fish in the fridge?


How to remove stretch marks after delivery?

A serious problem for most women, the birth of a child are stretch marks after delivery. They appear on the abdomen, Breasts, hips, than lead the newly minted mothers in the hollow despair and confusion. Do I have to live with them next? What are stretch marks? First of all calm down and do not panic! It is not fatal and totally fixable. Stretch marks are not pathological phenomenon, they are not a threat or danger to your health and are not considered a sign of disease. They appear because of the fact that during pregnancy the body is not able to produce enough collagen and elastin which are responsible for the elasticity and skin appearance. But every woman should be beautiful, and nothing has to spoil. So we declare war on the stretch marks! Start with prevention For those who are thinking about this problem before or during pregnancy, available methods of prevention of stretch marks. After all, whatever the problem, it is easier to prevent, than to fight it. The best preventive measure against stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth is the prenatal bandage. It not only keeps the correct position of the fetus and reduces the load on the spine, but are great for keeping the abdominal wall, thereby helping to avoid stretch marks. Start to wear the device with the 20th week of pregnancy. Remove it only at night. After 20 days from birth to 6 weeks maternity wear a brace. Do not forget about bra – it must be only natural fabrics. The breast will remain in good shape, it must be worn at all times. In addition, abdomen, and chest and hips are advised to regularly washed with water at room temperature and wiping with a rough towel. This will harden the skin and make it more elastic. Start the fight Ways to remove stretch marks after delivery, invented so many. Experts recommend to approach this issue in a comprehensive manner. Given the complexity of the problem, only the combination of different methods will help to fully with them to part. Method 1. Peeling. This procedure is very simple and can easily make yourself at home. You can use scrubs own cooking or purchase them at a drugstore. Well bilingue mixture is ground sea salt and coffee cake. Using the tools you selected with light massage movements study all the problem areas. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and even. Method 2. Rubbing oils. Prepare oil mixture, mixing the wheat germ oil, almond, olive oil in small quantities and dropping there any essential oils. This tool contains large amounts of vitamin E, which accelerates the regeneration of cells. Regularly RUB the mixture into the place of stretch marks. The result will not come immediately, but it will be obvious. Method 3. Rubbing the washcloth. You will need a hard sponge made of natural fibers. During the adoption of the soul simply RUB the skin with light circular movements. It improves blood circulation and flow of nutrients to the problematic area. Method 4. Wraps. This is a certain base with essential oils. For a basis it is possible to get honey, yogurt, cottage cheese, potato or fruit puree, egg yolk, clay, etc. On one tablespoon of the mixture, add 20-25 drops of rosemary, incense or ginger oil. Causing the product to the skin, cover it with plastic wrap and wrap a warm scarf. Then lie down in peace 30-40 minutes. Method 5. The bath. This is perhaps the most effective way to deal with stretch marks, because in this case the remedy maximum contact with skin problems. Dissolve in a warm bath for the following mixture: honey, sea salt, baking soda, natural essential oil (it is better linen, tangerine, or almond). In the first days of the duration of the bath should not be more than 5 minutes. Then you can gradually increase the time. After the bath, not literates, and you just need to copy Bathrobe and wait until absorbed oil. Whether cream? Today, many firms-manufacturers of cosmetics offer a variety of means from stretch marks, such as creams or gels. They should not be neglected, because they really help. To achieve tangible effect, a cream for stretch marks after delivery should be used regularly. It can simply RUB in problem areas, and you can make a real massage – so you got a double effect: from massage and from the funds. As you can see, there are many ways, and they are quite simple. So don’t torture yourself with the questions «how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth?» «how to get rid of stretch marks on his chest?». Just start your daily hard struggle. And already in a few weeks you will see the first result, and soon – ideal body will return to their stubborn mistress.


Men who like tea, more likely to develop prostate cancer

Men who drink 7 cups of tea a day for a 50% greater chance of getting cancer prostaticescoy from Glasgow University found that men who drink more than seven cups of tea a day, more risk to be ill with prostate cancer than those who consume three cups or less. Researchers have admitted that they were surprised to receive such data, since people who prefer tea rarely suffer from overweight, drink alcohol or have high cholesterol. The researchers concluded that a bit to reduce the risk of developing the most common form of cancer among men is to reduce the consumption of tea to one Cup a day. The study leader, Dr. Kashif Shafik, says: “I was surprised to find out that the risk of developing prostate cancer increases with each Cup of tea.” He also noted that after the seventh Cup it increases by 50% and especially scientist confuses black tea. Read also: Black tea reduces the pressure These conclusions were based on the results obtained during the study, which began in Scotland in 1970, when 6016 men at the age from 21 to 75 asked in detail to answer questions about their way of life, including on the daily consumption of tea. Scientists have discovered that 6.4% of those who had consumed at least 7 cups of tea a day were faced with prostate cancer, compared with 4.6% of those who drank up to 3 cups daily. When experts have adjusted the data with respect to the age of participants of the survey, their health and lifestyle, they found that those who drank tea in large quantities by 50% increased chances of developing the disease.


A diet at disease of the joints

Arthritis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, periarthritis and arthritis today are not uncommon. A diet at disease of the joints cleanses the body, reduces symptoms and increases the effectiveness of medical treatment. Diet with inflammatory diseases of the joints On the background of the development of the inflammatory process occurs accumulation of harmful products of exchange. In order their removal patients are recommended to strengthen the drinking regime. If the patient has difficulty with the excretion of fluid, your doctor prescribes diuretics, fruit drinks and herbal appropriate action. Inflammation of the joints in the diet should include raw vegetables (you can not use cabbage, onions, peppers and tomatoes). It is recommended to exclude spices. You can eat the fruit, but it is worth considering that some of them can negate the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (not recommended to eat sour and unripe fruits, drink citrus juice). In the basis of the diet must be easily digestible and rich in protein foods. Should not eat lamb, pork and beef in priority rabbit meat, chicken, fish. Fermented milk products have to be on the menu patients. Welcome cheese, fresh cheese, fermented milk drinks, but from whole milk is better to refuse. Diet dystrophic diseases of joints dystrophic diseases of joints, it is recommended to control calorie intake – this reduces the load and reduce pain. Caloric value decrease at the expense of fat and fast carbohydrates have to be excluded sweets, pastry, cakes, refractory fats of animal origin. In the basis of the diet must be fresh, steamed or boiled vegetables. It is useful to eat carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, avocado, green, leafy vegetables. From the rich assortment of fruits, recommended, preferably kiwis, bananas and apples (fresh, baked). Is it lawful to eat meat and fish dishes (3-4 times per week), as well as dairy products. It should be kept in mind that in the acute period from meat is better to refuse. Every 2 days during exacerbation you can arrange a discharge on dairy products or fruits. The benefits of almonds, pine nuts, cereals, dried fruits (in small quantities). Salt intake is reduced to a minimum (it is better to salt ready meals). Liquid diet (unless contraindicated) should be rich (up to 3 l per day). Drinking is mineral water without gas (suitable option should advise the doctor), compotes, fruit drinks, teas. The liquid is useful to use before eating and after some time afterwards. The Diet reviews in diseases of the joints depends on the type of pathology and the degree of its severity. Practice shows that the therapeutic diet brings significant relief.
